A special thank you to all of the veterans who have sacrificed so much to keep us safe and free. This was the first Veterans Day I didn't get to say a thank you to my Daddy, but his reward this year is bigger than any thank you I could have given him. November 11 was also my baby boy's 26th birthday. It hardly seems possible!
Life continues to be busy, and some days I wonder just what I actually accomplished! We have been in full swing at the Veranda, trying to get our fundraiser/dinner show organized (see previous post), while trying to maintain the everyday goings-on....a common plight for most of us. I am still traveling on occasion with the NMDP, having the honor of transporting life-saving marrow and cells to patients. Are there ever enough hours in the day?
Through all of the busy-ness of the upcoming holiday seasons, our focus needs to be on Christ. Stress will come at us, while trying to "do it all". Prioritize, and take time every day to begin your day with quiet moments with God. You'll find that everything else tends to fall into place when we allow God to be in control. He doesn't promise that our lives will be smooth; but He promises that He will always be with us, no matter the circumstances......and there is no circumstance that will befall us that He has not already made a provsion for. That's the most comforting thought I can think of on this rainy, chilly Monday!
No matter our political views; no matter our crowded lifestyles; no matter what illness or financial catastrophe may come our way.......God loves us. He cares about every detail of our lives. He has made a way, even when we can't see it. And...good news!... He holds us lovingly and gently
In His Grip!
A special day to you Debbie! Glad you are doing well.
Cheryl/Lenexa KS
Posted by: C turnbull | November 12, 2012 at 09:27 AM
Hi Debbie,
It sure was good to hear from you. I love that no matter what God has us in his grip. That is something we can depend on and draw a huge comfort from. What a good day to be a child of God. May God richly bless you, Linda
Posted by: Linda | November 12, 2012 at 10:20 PM
Yes & Amen! Becky In Wisconsin
Posted by: Becky | November 13, 2012 at 07:26 AM
Hi Debbie,
Hello from very rainy Oak Harbor WA.
It's always so good to read your posts and I'm glad to know you are well.
It's a bit early but I won't be home for Thanksgiving so I want to wish you a happy one hopefully with the family.
In His Love,
Posted by: Ann Woodward | November 13, 2012 at 07:56 PM
Posted by: [email protected] | November 14, 2012 at 04:57 PM
Hi Debbie,
I was just thinking about you and thought I would drop in and wish you a very blessed Thanksgiving. We have so much to be thankful for don't we. Let's not forget to give the Lord the praise and honor due him. It is only thru him the we are so blessed. Have a good week, Linda
Posted by: Linda | November 19, 2012 at 10:11 PM
Happy Thanksgiving Debbie!
Posted by: C turnbull | November 21, 2012 at 09:39 PM
- Да уж, все теперь видят и чувствуют - с климатом творится что-то неладное. Выходит, даже погодные катаклизмы нынешние Голанский предсказал?! http://skachatbistro7.info/news/page/8/
- Извините, спрогнозировал. Так будет точнее. Марк Михайлович был гениальнейшим ученым, а не предсказателем. Плюс ко всему прочему массовая добыча ресурсов приведет к тому, писал он, что в начале XXI века возникнет необходимость вовлечения в оборот никогда ранее не использовавшихся полезных ископаемых, расположенных в крайне неблагоприятных с точки зрения природных условий районах. А к этому капиталистическая экономика не готова. http://o2style.ru/category/semya-i-deti/page/5/
- Опять в десятку! Так называемая сланцевая революция на Западе, пока пробуксовывающая, грядущая мировая война в Арктике за полезные ископаемые, о которой многие аналитики говорят с опаской… Но с мобилизацией у капитализма туго. http://ua-portal.net/shou-biz/85-znamenitosti/32-10-40-.html
Posted by: Umatermpn | July 27, 2013 at 07:06 PM
Решение президента поддержали 238 парламентариев при необходимом минимуме в 226 голосов. http://wayaninvestor.ru/
Согласно принятому закону в Украине в текущем году должны состояться украинско-американские учения "Репид Трайдент-2012", украинско-российские учения "Фарватер Мира - 2012", украинско-белорусско-российские учения "Славянское содружество - 2012", а также украинско-американские учения "Си Бриз-2012". http://since11.com/ipotechnye-programmy/page/3/
В рамках украинско-американской учебы "Репид Райдент-2012" в июле-сентябре будут проведены учения военных подразделений США и государств-участников программы "Партнерство ради мира", в которых примет участие до 1800 военнослужащих со штатным стрелковым оружием. Учения пройдут во Львовской области, в Украине. http://dari-online.ru/
Posted by: Latermpn | August 16, 2013 at 04:17 PM