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« Happy Anniversary | Main | 6 Years Later...... »

February 03, 2013



Hey, Deb!!! I hope you will be healed in a few days from your accident. Those can take a toll on a body! This week will be the final preventive chemo treament for my hubby's colorectal cancer; he had radiation and chemo before surgery, and then 6 months of the preventive chemo. As you can relate, radiation and chemo play havoc with a fellow's feelings and body. I am so very thankful for God's Goodness and Faithfulness during this experience. Deb, I trust you will have an easier time of it during the coming months. Take care. Thanks so much for your posts. Love and Blessings to you.


Hi Debbie,
So good to hear from you. Am sorry about the wreck but glad that it wasn't any worse than it was. Sometimes it seems that timing of things just aren't convenient. I was wondering if you were still doing the donor trips. Sounds like this one came along at a good time and gave you a chance to relax. As nice as it is to get away the best part is coming home.
Take care sweet girl...
Love and prayers,
Judy Hicks

Charlene Eddmonson

Sure glad you were not seriously injured and that you are feeling better. I relate so much about the hard year. I am your Utah friend from NQC, and this was the seventh year since my husband went home to be with God, and it has been a HARD year here also. I did get to go to NQC this year.That was the highlight of the year. I had knee replacement surgery, which went well, but had other health issues that have made life very difficult. I also felt EXTRA lonely without my Rock to hold on to. I don't know how those who do not have God leading them make it. I hope you still have my address if you ever make a trip to Salt Lake and have a lay over I would love it. Thanks for the encouragement you always share.
I know so many appreciate it. My Prayers for you and your family.


Susan Davidson

So good to hear from you. I was wondering how your time at the holidays went. Your post are so inspirational to me. Glad to hear you were not seriously injured in your auto accident. I look once a week to see if you have updated your post as they do inspire me. I think you should be a motivational writer. God bless.

C turnbull

This is a reminder of how important it is to constantly be praying a hedge of safety around our loved ones and friends. Will be praying for your recovery. I took a very hard fall a couple of weeks ago, so I understand the aches of pain, and the needed chiro treatments. We are praying for Tracy and Lib too. We know you understand their hearts and the need for prayer. Take care...God loves you,
Cheryl/Lenexa KS


Very nice post. I have thought of you a lot this past week too as we found out about Tracy. Loved your thoughts on God and the clouds. As a child I loved to lay on a blanket in my yard on a bright sunny day and look into the clouds and try and see God! :). I think we forget to do that sometimes when we get older and busier. Take care as I look often for your posts and they are always so helpful.
Becky In Wisconsin P.S. If you want COLD and you want to stay in the US no need to cross an ocean...just come and visit me! We have had windchills several days that were -30.


so glad you are doing ok. The holidays were a trial to get thru this year for many. I found myself glad to put away the last of the decorations and just be for a little while. I loved your analogy about the plane trip. That is so how life is isn't it. And also just how fast trials can arrive. What on earth would we do without the Lord to lead and guide us thru these days. I am so grateful for his gentle hand on my life. For his calm and quiet spirit giving me a calm and quiet spirit. Praise his name. Linda

This post as all of them once again holds a special place in our hearts. Your spirit encourages all of us in so many different ways. It was so good to hear from you and glad that you are healing. Traci and family are in my prayers. I have a friend that husband is going thru Rogers illness and the book and this site have meant so much. You are just real with your feelings and you show that is appreciated more than you know. thanks for sharing and hope 2013 is a great year. Your KY friend Becky

Ann Woodward

Hi Debbie,
I've been checking to see if you've posted and was glad to see you had some time to write to us.
I'm so sorry about the accident. I was in one a few years ago and it really shakes you up physically and mentally.
One of the best parts of flying is seeing the beautiful colors in the sky and the clouds.
I know what you mean about the holidays. Even with family all around it can sometimes feel lonely but through anything that comes our way thankfully we're always in His grip.
If you're not too sore here's sending big HUGS your way.
Ann your Washington friend


Glad to see your post. I understand how you feel about being lonely. My mother passed last year, and it destroyed our family. My brothers have not talked to my sister and I. Hurtful New Year with so many conflicts that can be avoided by just plain "Love." Pray for me and my family.


Hi Debbie, I have read over your analogy of your plan trip in your Feb. post many times. Each time I read it it gives me a renewed sense of Gods presence in our lives. Thank you so much for sharing that with us. I have really enjoyed using that in my life. Be Blessed, Linda


Правда, в КГБ решили, что «мораторий» на отправку Нуриева в СССР будет действовать только во время французских гастролей. «16 июня сего года при отъезде труппы в Лондон в соответствии с указанием МИД СССР, на основании постановления Комиссии по выездам за границу при ЦК КПСС посольством было принято решение отправить Нуриева в Союз». [url=][/url]
По некоторым данным, резидент советской разведки «тайно» сообщил, что Нуриев не полетит в Лондон, а отправится в Москву на концерт в Кремле. Нуриев не поверил. Когда в Ле Бурже его попытались «проводить» в самолет, отправлявшийся в СССР, он обратился за помощью к полиции. Заявление Нуриева о желании получить убежище уже было у французов, и ему оставалось только подписать его. Попытки советского консула уговорить Нуриева были тщетны: «он от своих изменнических намерений не отказался». [url=][/url]
Но «дело Нуриева» не закончилось. Оно только начиналось [url=][/url]


(в ответ на недовольство экс-президента Украины Виктора Ющенко, установленным в Одессе памятником царице Екатерине II) [url=][/url]
"Виктор Андреевич, вы каждый день ходите в своей стране по улицам Ленина, Дзержинского, Буденного, можно перечислять сколько угодно. Мимо вас носят портреты Сталина. Стоят памятники Ленину. Чего вы прицепились к бабе? Она нанесла украинцам ущерб в тысячу раз меньше" [url=][/url]
("Украинская правда", 31.05) [url=][/url]


Ну наконец то получилось. История банальна: Моя мама не как не могла без шоу дом 2 жить, я долго думала, что ей предложить в замен этому надоедливому проекту. Мама не в какую не желала отказаться от просмотров дома 2, нечего не помогало, но вот я придумала подсадить на интернет просмотры маму допустим сюда: [url=]дом 2[/url], пускай думаю здесь на таких ресурсах смотрит дом 2. Чем по телевизору, я то его не перевариваю, особенно когда телевизор на всю орет. В дальнейшем и от интернета, от просмотра этого не педагогичного шоу маму нужно будет отучить, как отучить её от проекта, есть альтернативы?

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