Once again, I have been remiss in my postings. I do apologize. It seems that I just haven't taken the time to sit down and compse my thoughts, and now that I have, I have too much to say! I've said it before, but I will try to do better in the coming year than I have lately.
The holidays were more difficult this year than they have been in a few years. I'm not sure of all the reasons why, but I do know a few: This was the first Christmas without my Daddy; I had a car wreck the week before Christmas, which left me sore and unable to do all I needed/wanted to do with a houseful of guests; and, for whatever reason, I just felt very lonely. However, it was good to have friends and family around, and God was protecting me in that wreck; so many things that could have happened, did not, and I only sustained minor injuries, which are being helped with chiropractic care. The person at fault had insurance, and will cover my losses, and it could have been so much worse than it turned out. I confess that there are still days that I have to work hard at smiling. As many of you know, Tracy and Libbi Perry Stuffle (and family) are going through some very difficult times, after Tracy suffered a stroke, and is in ICU. For some reason, his journey has thrown my mind back to the days I walked that same path with Roger, and it has made me relive those days in great detail. With that pain, though, comes the realization that God brought me through that experience, and He will be with me whatever comes my way. Please remember to pray for Tracy, Libbi, and family as they await God's plan for their lives.
This past week, I had the unique opportunity of traveling across the ocean (to a VERY cold country!), delivering bone marrow. While I was there, I took a couple of days to sightsee, and had a great time seeing a new place. I was glad to go, and even more glad to come home. As I was approaching the Nashville airport, I knew that storms were predicted, and I was hopeful that I'd make it home before they hit. Flying at 36,000 feet, all I could see were fields of white, fluffy clouds, and the clouds in the distance looked like tall white mountains. The light was brilliant against them, at just before 5 pm, and there were hues of orange and pink beginning to show. It was so gorgeous, I wished I could take out my camera and capture the picture, but there were no electronics allowed at the time. Then, as we began our descent, the clouds became more gray; the air got a little bumpier; the light began to fade; and, as the city came into view, all of the beauty of what I had just seen, faded with it.I was struck with the thought that "above the storms", God holds beauty and light for us that is awesome.....and the farther away from Him we descend, the darker our lives will be, as the storms move in on us. Yes, I know that God doesn't reside up in the clouds, but the analogy was there anyway!
I hope your year has started out with renewed purpose, hope, and love. God wants to be our shining light, sharing His love and beauty with us. Our job is to soar above the storms, and remain close to Him. That's the best place to be:
In His Grip!!