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« 6 Years Later...... | Main | Another Marker of Time »

July 11, 2013


HI DEBBIE I AM SO VERY GLAD TO HEAR FROM YOU AS I DON'T HAVE A COMPUTER AT HOME YET (WILL soon)I can only check here. I truly have missed hearing from you but certainly understand where you are at. One of my dear friends in PA lost her husband Nov 2011 and she is really struggling with the lonliness and trying to be patient on where to move or stay and all kinds of things. She said she is waiting for answers for the Lords direction as well so I will continue to pray and love you both. The thing I have always loved about reading your post are that you are so real your issues are just like everyone else and you just put it out there and I think that is what makes you post so special. There is no doubt in my mind that you are wrapped in God's love and the plans for you will be revealed. Sometimes we just have to set back and take a look at our lives. I was glad Isaiah is still a part of your life that is such a blessing for you both. I look forward to hearing more from you and just know we love you and are hear for always. Your KY friend Becky


Hi Debbie,
I have missed your posts and am glad to see this current post. I pray for you daily. Can't imagine all you are experiencing but know that the Lord has you close to Him and holding your hand. Continue seeking Him and He will answer when the time is right. God's timing is always right and perfect. Hope you are having a wonderful summer.
Cheryl/Lenexa KS


Missed your postings - so glad to see you posting again.


We all get in a place in our lives to see direction. Even so we all go through dry spells. Pray for me as I want to serve God by being a Chaplain. I want to help others in their walk for Christ.

Janet (from KY)

I'll surely be praying for you. I was "single again" for 5 years but God brought a wonderful man into my life. I had taped this sign on my computer that helped me stay focused during those dry, hard times... "Miracles happen when you are ready to receive them." And I had a friend that kept telling me my life would get better. We all need an encourager in our lives...I pray that those who follow your posts are a team of encouragers...always in your corner...always lifting your concerns to the throne of God.

Wanda in Weatherford

Debbie, it was so good to hear from you and to know that you are okay despite the loneliness. I know what you are going through as I have been a widow now for 17 years + and, as you know, it is not an easy "road". May God Bless You
PS: I will send you a friend request on Facebook. Have a blessed day.


Hi Debbie
I'm glad you're back :) Even though I know you have struggles (like so many of us but you still just give many of us a lift. You're in my prayers so many times, I just pray God will send someone special to, yes we have our families, but it's so lonely when they all go home. I just lost my mom 2 weeks ago, she would have been 95 next month, I was so blessed to have a Christian Mom, but I sure do miss calling her and hearing her voice. I would never wish her back, as I know she is with her Heavenly Father, but often wish I could hug her one more time. I will pray for a great visit with your friend. Take care, we want the best for you & God knows about your loneliness.
PS. ..Have you ever read any of Marion Bond West's books? She lost her husband to cancer, God gave her another wonderful husband. I love the few books that she has written. You laugh & cry as you read her books, The first book I read was "Nevertheless Principle" and was hooked. She has inspired me so many times.


Hi Debbie,
So glad to hear from you. Am sorry you are going through a "Rough Patch". I wish I could give you a great big hug and all would be right and normal in your life. The last few years have been full of change and loss and I think that at some point your body says, "Hey, I need to catch up or refuel". Keeping busy is good but sometimes just vegetate or have a pajama day and do nothing is good too.
You are a very special person and have much to offer that a very someone special will come along and treat you as special as you are.
Will keep you in my prayers and God will keep you in His grip as you journey through.
Love and Blessings,
Judy Hicks

elaine ellis

well i guess that leaves out all us ordinary people who are just 20+ years fans of Roger

claudia earls

I have been trying to find you on facebook as I have followed you and Roger for many years now.

claudia earls

Debbie I found you tonight on Facebook sorry I did not see all of the post or something and could not find you for awhile. I have been looking earnestly for it.
Blessings as you stand in HIS grip

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    Ron Mehl: What God Whispers in the Night
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