(First, let me apologize for the inappropriate comments that show up occasionally on here - seems spammers are everywhere. Second, I think some may have misunderstood from my last post; I am not discontinuing this blog in favor of Facebook - it's a joint thing! Third, I hope this time's a charm; my computer has thwarted me twice already today while trying to post....now on to the real thing!)
Today marks 6 1/2 years since I said goodbye to Roger here on earth. I think the "1/2 year anniversaries" are always so fresh because they happen right at NQC time. I went this year, but only for two days. It was great to visit with friends. Two days is definitely not long enough to see everyone, but I was as tired as if I'd stayed all week!
As is typical, I've been staying on the go, between volunteering at the Veranda; making a few courier trips to transport bone marrow and cells; traveling every other weekend to get Isaiah for a visit; and a trip to Arkansas. I think I'm just about to realize that I'm not as young as I used to be! While I was in Arkansas, I had the very humbling experience of meeting with the committee in Strawberry (Roger's home town) who is constructing a beautiful permanent memorial to Roger. It is going to be incredible, and I have some work to do to help. I can't wait to share pictures, ideas, and dates for its completion. It is far above anything I could have imagined, and it shows a lot of love and respect by the community. Completion dates are not determined yet, and they are in need of some more funding to make the finished memorial happen. Trust me when I say it is a wonderful project, and they are doing a first-rate job on it, with the help of many people, organizations, and companies who are donating time, materials, and general help. I wanted to share this so that some of you, who may feel led, could make a donation and be a part of this, too. For now, any donations may be sent to Roger Bennett Direct at P.O. Box 681075, Franklin, TN 37068-1075, and I will get them to the designated account in Arkansas. PLEASE put "Roger Bennett memorial" on the memo line. Time is of the essence, as they are working to finish before the cold winter sets in. They already have the 16 foot concrete wall erected, concrete poured in front, and of course, site work done. There will be granite and stone on the front of the wall, benches, and a flower garden, as well. Thank you in advance for your help.
As I mentioned in my previous post, I have really been struggling the past weeks/months, and I just don't know why. I can't pinpoint anything exactly, but I think loneliness has a lot to do with it. There are days, that although I know this is not true, I feel like it has been those 6 1/2 years since I've been loved. I just have to pull myself up out of that place and keep going. I'm also finally making some steps toward getting my home ready to sell. I've lived here longer than I have anywhere in my entire life, and emotions are constantly in the forefront. I know this place is too big for just Chelsea and myself, but it does carry a lot of wonderful memories, and we love the peace this land affords. I plan to stay in the general area - Tennessee is "home" - but I don't have a clear direction, so I'm not rushing things. Some may look at that as procrastination, and perhaps it is to an extent, but I don't want to make a hasty decision that could be more of a mistake than anything. Meanwhile, I am very grateful for friends who help me out, and who help me focus on steps I need to take to proceed!
The family is doing well. Roger's dad, Doug, has had some health issues, but is better now, and my mom recently had surgery to remove a cancerous growth from her hand. She is recovering nicely, and the pathology report showed that it was all removed - PTL! Chelsea is working hard, and also leading a group at the School of Spiritual Life that she attended last year. I'm very proud of her Christian walk. Jordan and Jessica hardly have a free moment, they stay so busy in California. However, they breezed in and out this past weekend for a wedding, and we got some great visiting time in. It looks like we will celebrate Christmas in California this year, and although it will be different, I am looking forward to it. Isaiah is growing like a weed; he started Pre-K this year, and has already been bestowed the honor of "line leader" for a day, because as he told me, he "followed the rules". Yay!
Life goes on, often in very unexpected ways, but it does go on. As Roger left this earth that Saturday morning 6 1/2 years ago, I leaned over him and whispered, "We will be okay. Just go meet Jesus, and we will be there soon." And we are. The kids are great. I am okay. But no matter what curve balls life may throw at us, we can have the assurance that God still has a plan. It's good to know that we are held firmly
In His Grip!