Happy Memorial Day. This is a day that has come to mean many things in our culture. Like most holidays, it has become so distorted from its original intent; society wants to make it about another big sale at the mall, opening day of summer, party time! And that is all exciting and good, but let us never forget.......
Originally begun by freed slaves after the Civil War to thank the fallen soldiers who had secured their freedom, the holiday became an official way to remember ALL fallen soldiers, regardless of the war in which they had fought. So, on this day, I remember with great honor all of those brave troops who have paid for our freedom with the greatest sacrifice of all. And, to those who returned from battle, and have since joined the ranks of the fallen, we also pay tribute. The best soldier I ever was blessed to know was my Daddy, Robert L. (Bob) Westbrook. He served as a very young man in WWII, in the 3rd Army, 3463rd MM Ordnance, in the European theater. On Memorial Day, 2012, just a few weeks shy of turning 90, Daddy got his final promotion. Oh, how I miss him! The youngest of four siblings, and the only female, I was a bona fide "Daddy's girl". He taught me so much, and he was an amazing example of how a man should treat a woman. Thank you, Daddy, for all of the sacrifices you made so that we could live a better life.
During this week, I've had a revelation about another type of freedom, too. For years, I have had a very difficult person in my life. I allowed myself to give in to the oppression of lies that this person continually throws my way. Even though my head knew that they were lies, my heart would shrink with each barb that was hurled. During yet another difficult exchange, I began praying for strength (I'm ashamed to say I got caught up in the moment before I stopped to pray.....), knowing that the truth was right before me. In that moment, I had an epiphany. Actually, I know that God sent the Holy Spirit to whisper in my ear: "You shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free." (John 8:32) I stopped right there, and felt such a peace wash over me. I thought, "Lord, is it really that simple?" And I felt God's smile as He patted me on the back and said, "Yes, child, it really is."
You see, I John 5:6-12 tells us that God's truth is more powerful than any "truth" (or lie) spoken by man. And when you or I have the reassurance in our spirits that we are abiding by the truth that God has spoken to us, there is freedom. Freedom from the torment of listening to lies and wondering how to refute them. Freedom from the anxiety that comes from anticipating attacks. Freedom from the bondage of being held captive by words that are spoken in hatred and bitterness. For the first time in years, I feel truly free from the hold of those lies. And while a soldier on the battlefield didn't die for my right to that freedom, JESUS did die for just that reason, and for all of the other worldly lies that Satan tries to tell us to keep us from God's eternal love. Don't buy into it! Don't waste precious years with turmoil in your heart. Allow God's peace to wash over you and set you free from anything spoken against you that isn't from the One Who loves you with a passion that you can't even fathom! HE is the TRUTH, the WAY, and the reason we can all rest in freedom,